Ham Radio During a Pandemic, how important those “random CQ moments” are in ham radio. It just so happens that on Sunday evening around 8PM, I was able to enjoy a great ragchew with my friend Dave W7UUU on 10m.
I belong to the Radio Club of Tacoma and we used to have a somewhat unofficial 10m social net every Sunday at 8PM on 28.375Mhz. Last night was a rare night I was able to hop into the shack before 8:30PM so I decided to head over to the 10m frequency the club has used for awhile. It was pretty quiet and somewhat obvious that the net wasn’t happening. I decided to stay on the frequency for a few minutes while checking Logbook of the World for any new QSLs. A few minutes go by and then I hear Dave calling CQ. I answered back we ended up having a fun ragchew for about 30 minutes. He was even testing out some really awesome old rigs, which made for a fun experience for both of us. I regret not writing down the names of the rigs he was using but they were all older solid state transievers, including one from the late 1970s.
It’s so important to stay connected during this tough time and even just a 30 minute conversation with a friend on the radio is enough to put some wind back in your sails. Thanks for the fun QSO Dave!
Chris N7CPM