Northwest Country Cousins and try to join up with the gang on our nightly net on 3.968Mhz at 7:00PM PDT. This is such a great group of hams from Washington, Oregon, Canada, California, and more! Visitors are always welcomed after 7:30PM, so please come in and say hello!
HF SSB Ragchews- There is no denying it, I’m pretty extroverted and love meeting new hams on the air. At least once a week, I’ll hop onto one of the bands (usually 17m/40m) and call CQ. I love seeing who responds, as band conditions can be so hit or miss now. Long ragchews with fellow hams is always a highlight and I hope to work other passionate hams on the air!
CW- Shortly after getting my ticket, I knew the code was the thing for me. I’m still pretty slow but love working folks using CW. I mostly use a Vibroplex Iambic key that I picked up at a swap meet. I’m a member of the SKCC as well and try to get the ol' straight key or bug on the air from time-to-time.
- I also enjoy CW contesting, especially in the winter months.
Digital- Love it or hate it, digital modes are a great way to make great DX contacts during this time of poor solar activity. I’m pretty active with FT8/FT4.
- During contest season, I like to participate in RTTY contests. It’s fun to see the waterfall light up with the sounds of RTTY on the air!
QSL Cards- One of my favorite parts of the hobby is the sending and receiving of QSL cards. There is something special about it and I love adding new cards to my wall. If you are a fan of QSL cards and we work on the air, please send one my way and I’ll send one back! No need to send a SASE!
Contesting out in the field- In 2015, Jeff KG7MPF and I did Field Day in Eastern Washington and later that fall, we participated in Salmon Run (Washington State’s QSO Party) in Ferry County, WA!
- For the 7QP contest in 2019, I joined three other hams for an adventure on the county lines of Grays and Pacific counties in Washington state! Team W7EEE even won the Multi-County/Multi-Operator award that year!!

Hope to meet you on the air!
Chris N7CPM